Sunday 31 March 2013

How To Lose Weight Fast: 63 Ways!

So you’re wondering how to lose weight fast? This can be done. Look below for the 63 best tips, ranging from the best workouts to good diets and the foods you should (or shouldn’t) eat. But remember, as you shouldn’t slowly starve yourself to death for a month or so, losing a significant amount of weight in a healthy way will always be a longer process. However, there are some things you can do to lose weight a lot faster as you’re probably being able to do right now. See below on this page for the fastest tips on how to lose weight fast!

1. Golden Rule: Never Give Up

If you really want to lose weight fast, you have to be prepared to really do everything in your power to lose weight. There is no easy way to lose weight fast. If there was, the majority of people would have a body as slim as they wanted to have. Therefore you need to go where others don’t go. You need to be persistent and willing to give up some of the foods you like. You need to be tough and exercise every day. Only then can you lose weight in a rapid way.

2. Make Use of Ready-Made Diet Plans

Creating your own diet plan can take a lot of time which is usually something people don’t want when they want to lose weight fast. Most people who start their weight loss journey underestimate the amount of work that goes into the research of creating the perfect weight loss and diet plan. The research necessary to know what you are doing can be extensive. This is where ready-made diet plans come in. Aside from some garbage plans, there are several well-tested weight loss plans out there. The best part about using a widely used weight loss pplan is that there are usually 1000′s of people who follow the same plan available on a variation of websites(and anywhere in the world) at any time of the day which you can often share your experiences with. This gives a sense of community and can be strong motivator for some people. Here are some popular weight loss diets:
  • Low Calorie Diet (most used for fast weight loss)
  • Juicing Diet (also recommended to lose weight fast)
  • GI Diet
  • Atkins Diet
  • Raspberry Ketone Diet
  • South Beach Diet
  • The Zone Diet
Keep in mind that you should only use the above ready-made diet plans if you really need to lose weight in the fastest way possible and it takes too long for you to construct your own diet plan.

3. Personal Coaching

For the fastest results – without having to read about weight loss for hours or even days – it may be a smart idea to consult the help of a professional weight loss coach. A coach will usually conduct a quick plan and you can usually also ask your coach all kinds of personalized advice. A lot of people enjoy getting coached because it relieves you of all the hard work and time that can go into researching and planning the perfect personal weight loss plan. There are several coaching options online as well as various online support groups. Here are some of the most well-known online weight loss coaches of the moment:
  • Online Coach Jillian Michaels
  • Online Coach Denise Austin
  • Online Coach Joy Bauer
You can also search for “weight loss coach [your city]” in Google (or any other search engine) to find local weight loss coaches you can meet in real life. Meeting one in real life can be an advantage when you want to have your coach, for instance, exercise with you or cook with you.

4. Create Your Own Diet & Weight Loss Plan

Ready-made diet programs are there for people who do not want the hassle of creating their own plan. It is however much better to put some time in researching and learning how to make your own diet plan. Creating your own personal plan really gives you the advantage of understanding why and how you lose weight when you do certain things. WLZine gives you all the information you need to teach yourself how to lose weight in the fastest and healthiest way possible.

5. Most Important TIP: Stop Eating Calories Your Body Doesn’t Need

It may be a cliche, but most people who are overweight do not realize they are eating slightly, or in some cases way over the amount of daily calories their body needs. It is the number one cause of being overweight. The human body uses a particular amount of calories each day and every calorie intake above that daily amount will result in the body storing fat. A good tip is to take in account all the food you consume in a week and divide the outcome by 7 (seven days in a week). Now take this number and visit our how many calories to lose weight page and see if you are eating too many calories. You can also, perhaps an easier way to calculate your daily calorie needs, use our calorie needs calculator to calculate it automatically. Depending on the results of your calculations, it might be time to cut out some food from your daily diet.

6. Choose A Diet: Low Calorie Diet

It’s simple; you lose weight by eating less calories as your daily calorie needs. First go to this calculator page. After you find out how many daily calories your body needs, you are going to have to cut down that number severely. DON’T cut down too much in calorie-intake though, that is extremely unhealthy. To lose weight in the fastest way you need to cut to about 3/5th of your daily calorie needs. So if your daily calorie needs are 2000 calories, you need to cut down to about 1200 calories a day. Don’t go too far below 3/5th of your daily calorie needs as that is very unhealthy and will result in an unhealthy body, which is not something you want.

7. Lose Weight Fast With a Weekly Refeed Day

Note: This tip is extremely effective for people on a low calorie diet, as described in the above tip
This is one of the most unknown but best tips we can give you; Have one refeed day in the week for maximum weight loss results. A refeed day is a day where you eat slightly above your daily calorie needs (so 2000+ for women and 2500+ calories for men, depending on your daily calorie needs). You might frown upon this thinking it will gain you weight but a refeed day is extremely effective when you are cutting down in calories severely during the rest of the week. Because you have a low calorie-intake during the rest of the week, your body will get used to a low calorie-intake and will slowly adapt to it, meaning it will need lesser calories to function. This is bad for weight loss since you want to lose fat(which is the bodies’ energy source) by eating less calories as your body needs. This is where the refeed day comes in. The refeed day will set your body back to a higher calorie need, resulting in you losing more weight when eating low calories during the other 6 days of the week because your body needs more energy to function.

8. Exercise Twice Every Day. Morning Sports, Evening Walk

If you really want to lose weight fast you have to exercise regularly, preferably two times a day. Do the more heavy sports in the morning and make a long walk in the evening. You can also take up swimming for weight loss. If you don’t like exercising you can make it more fun by doing a different kind of activity every day of the week. Or find someone to team up with, this will make it a lot easier to maintain a daily exercise schedule. Exercising this way for a longer time period will result in you losing weight quick. Scientific studies have also shown exercising regularly is good for health and can even extend your life span.
Tip:Do a cardio exercise right after you wake up, before breakfast. It’s a well known fact that doing cardio before breakfast gives added benefit to your fat loss rate when exercising. This is because your body is close to starvation mode after waking up, your body is out of energy because you didn’t eat for a long time.

9. Drink Tons Of Water

Drink as much water as your body can handle. Not many people realize that they are missing out on losing a lot of weight by not drinking enough water every day. Drinking a lot of water increases the bodies’ metabolism resulting in a high increase in fat loss. Recently, a study by Virginia Tech was done where for a period of three months, half of a group of 48 people on a low-calorie diet slowly increased the amount of water they drank every day. The other half didn’t. The half that increased their amount of daily water intake lost 4.5 pounds of weight more as the other half who didn’t increase their water intake.

Most people eat three big meals a day; One in the morning, one during the day and one in the evening. If you are doing that as well you are not losing weight as fast as you could be. It is better to eat several small meals a day as three big ones. The reason why eating smaller meals in a higher frequency has a positive effect on weight loss is because it will stimulate your metabolism; Your metabolism will be higher and you will lose more fat. So 6 meals a day instead of three big ones and don’t miss out on faster weight loss.

11. NEVER Reward With “Bad” Food

The fastest way to lose weight? That is to NEVER(did we make that clear enough?) reward yourself with bad foods that will hinder your weight loss progress. Even after weeks of eating healthy and exercising. That’s right, you have to be tough on yourself if you want to lose weight fast. Do not eat any fatty foods, do not eat sugary foods and do not eat high calorie foods.   An important thing to realize is the importance of the foods you buy in the supermarket have a direct impact on your weight loss progress. Whether you buy good or bad foods for weight loss can make a difference of night and day. Which foods should you buy when shopping? The following list will give you an idea what to look for when you’re searching for good weight loss foods:

Foods which are GOOD for Weight Loss:

  • Oats. Eating oats will make you full quickly. Oats are also full of fibers, which makes them healthy.
  • Kale. Kale is full of calcium and iron and contains healthy fibers. Adding it to your diet is healthy and good for weight loss.
  • Eggs. Eggs will make you feel full and the proteins inside of them will help grow the muscles which is good for losing weight.
  • Green Tea. The catechins antioxidants inside of green tea have a positive effect on fast weight loss. The caffeine helps too.
  • Apples. Eating an apple before a meal will result in you reducing your appetite, which will make you eat less during your meals.
  • Lentils. Adding lentils to your diet has a positive effect on weight loss because lentils help prevent insulin spikes, which are bad for weight loss.
  • Fish. Almost all fish (but especially salmon) have very healthy nutrients and are rich of omega-3 fats, which will reduce insulin spikes.
  • Fat Free Yogurt. Yogurt has healthy nutrients and will make you feel full fast which is good when you want to reduce your appetite.
  • Olive Oil. Olive oil is one of the healthiest “foods” you can add to your diet. It’s good for the heart and overall health while making you feel full fast.

12. NEVER Drink Alcohol

Alcohol has one of the worst influences on weight loss of all the “nutrients” you can “feed” your body with. Alcohol will sabotage your weight loss progress and will make you feel worn out and tired(which doesn’t do your workouts a lot of good). Don’t drink it. Drink water instead. It’s boring, yes. But you want to lose weight fast, don’t you? If you are a heavy user of alcoholic drinks and replace them with water you will see fast weight loss results in a matter of weeks.

13. Drink Water Instead Of Soda Or Fruit Juice

Drinking too much soda and fruit juice is one of the most unknown causes of being overweight, especially the effects of fruit juice are unknown to most of the general public. Although fruit juice is often marketed as a safe, healthy beverage, the truth is that it contains almost just as much sugar as any soda. For instance, one liter of orange juice contains about 100 grams of sugar, just as much sugar as in one liter of coke!
Many people who regularly drink soda or juice know about the negative effects of sugar on the body fat but do not realize they are consuming huge amounts of sugar when they’re drinking their soda’s or fruit juices during the day. Replace these drinks with waterand you will soon see the effects on your weight loss. You can, however, use juicing for weight loss to follow a healthy diet.

14. Be Honest With Yourself

Are you really doing everything in your power to lose weight or are you trying to take the easy route? Be honest with yourself; There is no easy route, and you know it! Losing weight takes persistence and a little toughness. When you’re not fully committed to losing weight, it’s hard to succeed. Often we like to fool ourselves by making excuses so we can eat unhealthy foods or not exercise. This has to stop when you really want to lose weight. Be honest and hard on yourself when it comes to calorie intake, exercise and types of food you consume.

15. Buy Smaller Sized Clothes For Important Occasion

Buy smaller sized clothes which you are going to wear on an important occasion in the nearby future. If you buy these expensive clothes you force yourself to lose weight so you can fit these clothes on the date of the occasion. This tip is a really good motivator to achieve the weight loss goals that you want.

16. Do Not Give Up When Getting No Results

If you’ve followed all of the tips on this page on how to lose weight fast, you will sometimes feel like you want to give up. Especially at times when you feel like you are hardly losing any weight. This is a moment everyone who is trying to lose weight will face. After a day of hard “losing weight work” you will look on the weighing scale and see hardly any results and feel like you are doing this all for nothing. You are wrong. These are normal weight fluctuations. The best thing you can do is weigh yourself every week instead of every day. Only then you can truly see if your are losing weight or not.

17. Enjoy Losing Weight

Try to enjoy losing weight. The best way to do this is to look in the mirror and see the results of all you hard work. After a few weeks of following our tips you will see the results and you will feel great about losing weight.

18. Avoid Starvation Mode

Never starve yourself. If you starve yourself your body will go in what we call “starvation mode“. This is the worst state you want your body to be in. Starvation mode will make it harder to lose weight since the body will adapt to low calorie intake and not use the fat you want to lose as an energy source.

19. Lift Weights

Muscles need body energy to “survive”. The more muscles you have the more calories your body needs and the easier it will be for you to lose weight while maintaining a more normal food intake. This is the reason why lifting weights can have a positive effect on weight loss. For more general information on weight lifting go to this page. This weight lifting for weight loss tip is especially good for men but can also be of help to women.

20. Don’t Stress

Heavy stress releases cortisol, a hormone that breaks down the muscle as an energy source. Muscles are good for losing weight. So try to avoid stressing yourself too much.

21. Do A Variety Of Workouts

Vary your workouts, do a different one every day. It’s best to not bore yourself with doing the same workout each day of the week as it will be harder to continue your weight loss schedule/program.

22. Take The Stairs

Whenever you see a stairs, go for it! Never take the elevator, never take the easy route to get to a higher place. This will give you some extra calorie-burning exercise and will get you in better shape.

23. Make Love

This tip is only for adults; Make love and burn calories while enjoying the exercise! While making love you burn a lot of calories and you use almost all your muscle groups. Is there a more enjoyable workout out there?

24. Follow An Exercise Schedule Religiously

If you really want to lose weight then one of the best ways is making a weekly exercise schedule and follow this schedule, whatever it takes! This site has good information on how to make an exercise schedule. When you exercise you burn more daily calories, making it easier to maintain a normal lifestyle when it comes to eating(meaning you can maintain a normal required daily calorie intake and still lose weight). A good way to lose weight by exercise is to join a sports club. If you join a sports club you are forced to exercise at least once a week. It doesn’t matter if it’s a football club, tennis club or a swimming pool membership. As long as you’re paying for the membership you force yourself to go to the club and work out. You wouldn’t pay for the membership and stay at home all year, would you!

25. Visit The Supermarket Once A Week

One of the best ways to lose weight is to make a shopping list once a week and stick to it. This shopping list should include all the healthy foods which causes you to lose weight. If you stick to this list and visit the supermarket only once a week you won’t be tempted to buy unhealthy foods.

26. Stop Eating 9 Calories Per Gram

Fat is the most calorie-rich nutrient there is, it contains 9 calories per gram. For this reason it’s advised to not eat too much fat when you want to lose weight. Fat is formed in our bodies when we take in more calories as we use.
Although our body needs this fat as an energy source to survive, many people have may more fat as their body needs. When you care about losing weight, it’s advised to watch the fat in your food.

27. Change Your Lifestyle: Feel Good And Lose Weight

The best way of achieving good weight loss results is to make a drastic lifestyle change and maintaining that new lifestyle. Change the way you eat, how many times a week you exercise and how you think about food. The best weight loss results are often with people who’ve changed the way they live(in terms of eating and exercise) instead of starving themselves for 1 or 2 months. A healthy lifestyle can be just as fulfilling as an “unhealthy” lifestyle. Frankly, a healthy lifestyle is often MORE fulfilling as an unhealthy one. When you eat healthy and exercise regularly you will feel ten times better as in your old lifestyle, PLUS you lose weight and will look better. Also, there are tons and tons of healthy foods which taste great and will give you just as much eating-pleasure as the more fatty or sugary foods.

28. Be Realistic

Often when people are trying to lose weight they feel like they should lose 10 kilo’s a month or otherwise they feel “it isn’t working out” for them. Losing weight is often a slow process of being persistent and being tough on yourself. Do not expect to lose all the weight you want within 1 or 2 months.

29. Park Your Car, Take A Walk Or Ride A Bike

In this modern day and age we sometimes do not realize how lazy we’ve become, we use the car for everything. Some people even take the car to post a letter in the mailbox one block away from their home. This is something you have to change when you want to lose weight. Instead of taking the car to travel to places in about a five to ten mile radius around your house(or more, if you prefer), take a walk or ride a bike. This is one of the best ways to lose weight. Of course there’s a difference when you need to travel 100 miles instead of 10 miles but you get the point.

30. Rest Enough

If you workout a lot, your body needs rest to recover from all the hard work. If you don’t rest enough you won’t be able to maintain a daily exercise schedule.

31. Don’t Take Snacks

If you really want to lose weight in the fastest way you need to give up snacks. All your food intake should be healthy and have a positive influence on weight loss.

32. Take Pictures Of Yourself

If you take weekly pictures of your body and your weight loss results, it will be easier to see the progress you are making. This will motivate you to continue losing weight.

33. Don’t Obsess

If you obsess about losing weight you have a higher chance of failing. It will overwhelm you after a period of time, especially on days where you feel you aren’t making any progress. It’s good to be persistent in following your weight loss program but stop thinking about it when you don’t have to.

34. Don’t Stop Your Routine On Weekends

To lose weight in the fastest way it’s advised to continue working out and following your weight loss diet as normal. Don’t think of weekends as “reward days” where you can fill your body with snacks and chill out all day. Instead, use the weekends to exercise MORE as during the week. Make long bike rides, long beach walks, etc.. Go where others don’t go and use the weekends as “super weight loss days” for maximum weight loss.

35. Add Fiber To Your Daily Diet

Eating fiber is one of the best weight loss tips we can give you. Fibers are in brown rice, whole grain foods, fruits, legumes and other vegetables. Eating fiber has a very positive effect on weight loss and it is advised to include
fiber foods into your weight loss diet. Eating fiber is also very healthy and protects us from certain diseases and is just healthy overall for the human body. If you want to go extreme you can try the raw food diet and take advantage of uncooked fibers.

36. Don’t Eat Emotionally

If you are serious about losing weight you have to force yourself to stick to your weight loss diet. Don’t use food as a way of satisfying your emotions. If you have emotional problems you should face them instead of using food as a way of masking the problem. If you can’t do it on your own, contact a psychiatrist to help you.

37. Add Proteins to Your Diet

When you do lots of exercising, your muscles need protein to recover and grow stronger. Without protein the process of muscle growth cannot occur and your body has a harder time to recover from your exercises. This is why you need to include protein foods into your weight loss diet. Choose healthy foods which contain lots of protein like fish, chicken, eggs, etc.. If you are a vegetarian you can include tofu, beans, etc (as in the vegetarian diet)..

38. Keep A Daily Diet Notebook

If you keep a daily diet notebook with everything you eat and drink you can easily keep track of how many calories you ate, making it easier to maintain a low calorie diet.

39. Never Miss a Breakfast

Breakfast is very important. Some people skip breakfast but if you want to have a maximum metabolism(which is good for weight loss) you need to start with at least a small meal right after you stand up. The breakfast is a very important factor when you want to lose weight fast.

40. Team Up

When you team up with someone close to you to both lose weight it will be easier to keep a diet and exercise schedule as when you’re doing it alone. Often when you feel like giving up the other person(s) in your “team” will motivate you to keep on going and not give up.

41. Don’t Use The Weighing Scale As A Weight Loss Indicator

When you exercise regularly, particularly when doing weight lifting, your muscles will slowly grow larger and heavier. Muscles are heavier as fat, so it is entirely possible that when you exercise regularly and keep a weight loss diet you will gain weight but are losing fat. So don’t put too much importance on your weighing scale. Use the measuring tape, the mirror or take weekly pictures of yourself instead.

42. Use Measuring Tape or A Body Fat Meter

Measuring tape or a body fat meter are the best tools to measure your weight loss progress. It are the most accurate measuring tools when it comes to measuring fat loss. Certainly more accurate as a weighing scale(as explained in the last tip).

43. Be Your Own Chef

Try to be in control of the food you eat as much as you possibly can. This way you won’t feel forced to eat certain “bad foods” that other people will offer you.

44. Keep One Diet

Do not mix between various diets that you do. The best way to keep a diet is to choose one and totally devote yourself to that. Even if it doesn’t work in the beginning, don’t give up too easily.

45. Drink Caffeine

Caffeine has a positive effect on speeding up the metabolism, which will burn you more fat. Just watch out that you don’t drink sugary caffeine drinks like soda because that will GAIN you weight. Drink coffee or tea instead.
Tip: Oxygen has a positive effect on the metabolism, and a high metabolism will result in more fat loss. Therefore it is advised to breath deeply and often. Breathing like this has an overall positive effect on the bodies’ health as well.

46. Learn From Weight Loss Mistakes

Learn from mistakes you make or have made in the past. If you continue doing the wrong things thinking “whatever” or “it’s OK” you will never lose weight.

47. Educate Yourself On The Human Body

Starting with this page, try reading a lot about how your body works and how you can lose weight fast. The more you know about your body, the less weight loss mistakes you will make. Think about the questions you have and search them op on Wikipedia or Google. You’ll be surprised how much information is available for free.

48. Understand What You Are Doing

Understand why you are doing certain weight loss “tricks”. This way you won’t make any mistakes. If you only follow other people’s advice without understanding what you are doing you have a higher chance of doing the wrong things.

49. Keep It Safe

An important rule to lose weight the right way is to keep your weight loss habits safe for your body. Some people just want results so badly (and quickly) that they sometimes forget that their body needs nutrition to survive. Don’t go too far in your weight loss routine, learn how to lose weight fast and safely before damaging your body. A good rule of thumb is to never under-eat, always keep your food intake within safe limits.

50. Prepare Meals Ahead

When you are going out for a whole day and will be with people who like to order “bad foods” the entire day it’s best to prepare some meals for that day to take with you. You won’t be tempted to join them in eating fatty or sugary foods.

51. Do Cardio Exercising

Cardio exercises are the best type of exercises to lose weight. Walking, running, swimming, biking are all very good cardio exercises to perform when your focus is purely losing weight. However, running is the preferred choice for most people in the world because it can be done on almost any terrain in any place all over the world, in the comfort of your own neighborhood On top of this you can run at any time of the day without paying anything for it.

52. Don’t get Obsessed With The “Fat Burning Heart Rate”

You’ve probably heard it before; maintaining a lower heart rate while doing cardio will results in more fat loss. While it is true in the technical sense that you burn slightly less fat in the “fat burning zone”, the reality is that you should focus on how many calories you burn instead of fat. When you maintain a higher heart rate during your workout you will burn way more calories PLUS fat.

53. Do HIIT Workouts

HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) cardio workouts are just as good for weight loss as normal cardio workouts or long walks and bike rides(although for best results you should do a combination of both of them). The positive thing about HIIT workouts is that it takes you only about half an hour while achieving maximum weight loss results.

54. Allow Yourself Time

Losing weight takes a lot of dedication and time. Most people who don’t succeed are looking for results way too quickly, it’s virtually impossible to lose weight overnight. You need to allow yourself at least a few weeks before you start seeing results.

55. Avoid Negative Thinking

It might be an unimportant thing to you but being positive really helps you to maintain your weight loss. More often than not people give up their diet and excercise schedule because they feel like it isn’t working. And more often than not these are unrealistic negative thoughts. Losing a significant amount of fat is hard. Giving up because of negative thoughts will result in no weight loss at all. It’s also important to not that if you really have a serious depression, it may influenceyour appetite and therefore your weight loss progress.

56. Choose The Best Weight Loss Foods

Don’t go for second best. Chicken filet is better as chicken breast. Low fat butter is better as normal butter. Water is better as soda. Low fat milk is better as normal milk. And go on, and go on. In most people’s normal daily
diets there are more things they can change to lose weight as they realize.

57. Find Motivation

When you want to maintain a weight loss diet and exercise schedule you need to find motivation as to why you are doing it. This is very important if you don’t want to fail.

58. Hire A Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is probably one of the best motivators there is to maintain an exercising schedule and weight loss diet. He/She generally knows way more as you about weight loss and workouts so you will have your own personal ”weight loss library” with you. A personal trainer can also teach you which exercises are best and what you are doing right or wrong, he/she can avoid injuries by you doing exercises in a bad form.

59. Avoid “Bad Food” Shops Or Restaurants

Don’t visit a candy shop. Don’t go to a fast food restaurant. Don’t pause at the sugary foods section in the supermarket, keep on walking. Don’t tempt yourself and don’t torture yourself. This way you have the highest chance of succeeding your weight loss goal. Just pass by and think about something nice and healthy you are going to eat soon.

60. Experiment With Healthy Foods

Healthy foods can be really really tasty. Fast food restaurants don’t have a patent on nice tasting food! There are thousands of different food combination and flavors you haven’t tasted yet. If you open yourself up to experimenting with healthy foods you will be surprised what you have been missing out on.

61. Avoid Processed Bread, Eat Whole Grain Bread

Processed bread (white bread) is the worst choice when it comes to eating bread. It has a negative effect on weight loss and is just unhealthy overall. Whole grain bread is your best choice, it contains a lot more fibers and has less calories as processed bread. Whole grain bread is a healthy food.

62. Fish Oil Every Day

Fish oil has been proven to have a significant effect on weight loss and overall health in general. Most (western) governments in the world even recommend taking in a certain amount of fish oil every day because of its health benefits. Fish oil comes in soft gels and in bottles and is available in almost any drug or health/body store.
Tip: Just as fish oil, olive oil also has a positive effect on weight loss and is very healthy for the body. As with fish oil, you shouldn’t use too much of it, use a table spoon a day. Both fish oil and olive oil are important components of the Mediterranean Diet.

63. Take Your Time When Eating

Our body needs a certain amount of time(about fifteen minutes) to notice how full we are when we are eating. If you eat too fast you might eat way more as you would like to, resulting in a bloating stomach and gaining weight.
On top of it it is also very healthy to chew your food well before you swallow it.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

7 Things You Must Do Before You Choose a Good Diet Plan

Somehow Choosing a good diet plan and Summertime just doesn't fit. Doesn't even sound good together. But let's be honest, You've had a good summer, lot's of back yard barbecues, trips to the beaches and those roadside diners and dive's noted for comfort food and adding a pound here and there.
Life is meant to be lived but there comes a time when we need to sit down and decide how we're going to fit into our party clothes for the holidays. If a diet is in your agenda don't fret, just make some good decisions now that will insure that your diet is successful.
The only reason diets fail is because we don't think through the diet or the consequences of the diet. Here are 7 must do items to allow you to have a successful diet.
Thing You Must Do #1:Decide How Much You Want To Lose!
Don't just pick a number out of the sky, be realistic. You need to stay healthy on the diet, losing too much weight at one time is not good for your health. Aim for two to three pounds a week. More than that and you will set your self up to fail. You didn't put it on in a week so don't try to lose it all at once.
Thing You Must Do #2:Decide Which Type Of Diet Fits Your Personality
Each and every one of us has been made different. One diet doesn't fit all. Never has, never will. We are designed by our creator to be different with different needs. If your a body builder then the Sonoma diet would be an insult to you. If you love carbs then a no-carb or low-carb diet would be a recipe for failure for you, your best friend might do great on the same diet.
Thing You Must Do #3:Decide How You Will Interact With The Rest Of The Family
Are you going to sit down and eat with the rest of the family who are not on the diet. How will you feel? Will you be resentful? If so, decide now how you're going to handle the situation. Being resentful of the others at each meal is a sure way to cause a diet to go sour.
Thing You Must Decide #4:Ask For Your Families Support.
The quickest way to get exactly what you want is to ask for it. Your family and co-workers will be more than willing to give you support and help if you ask for it. Share your goals with them and you will be surprised at the affirmations and support coming from them.
Thing You Must Decide #5:Set A Time Table For Your Diet.
All good things must come to an end and that includes a successful diet. When yours ends, whether you choose to continue a portion of your diet, that's up to you. You will know a lot more about your body by diets end. Use this knowledge to fit the good things into your daily routine. But the important thing is the diet must end. Diets that go on and on end in sure failure.
Thing You Must Decide #6:Decide What You Are Going To Do After Your Diet.
This part is not set in concrete because you will learn a lot about your body during the diet. But decide now if you will be willing to continue some of the good things you learned about yourself during the diet and make it a part of your everyday life.
Thing You Must Decide #7:Set Yourself Up To Win!
By doing these seven must do things you will assure yourself of success. We tend to fail when we run around trying one new fad diet after another. Just because a diet works great for your best friend doesn't mean it will work for you. You know more than anyone else about your body. Set your self up to win with a diet that is good for you

Article Source: Source:

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Rating the Fad Diets

With so many different diets available, how are we to know
what works and what is safe? The only way to be sure is to
discover the author's background and the research behind
the diet's methodology. Every good diet should give a
background about the author and his/her credentials and
experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry.
However, even a vast resume does not mean a credible and
safe diet. But it does suggest, at least, that the author has
some knowledge of nutrition. Providing research behind the
diet proves that the diet is not something the author
invented, so long as the research is not self-serving and
altered to fit a hypothesis.
Some diets may not need a great deal of tests and studies
behind them, simply because they are based on
fundamentals. For example, many women's magazines
have articles on dieting and weight loss, but they are
common sense suggestions that most people concerned
about weight should know already: "Eat smaller meals", "cut
down on sugar and fat", etc., are typical philosophies. More
structured diets should give some scientific reasons for its
suggested success, preferably case studies and research
performed on everyday test subjects, as well as athletes.
Since we have established the importance of eating a
balanced diet in accordance to selecting healthy foods and
obtaining RDA minimums, it is possible now to rate the
diets in accordance to those specific criteria. Begin with a
score of 200 and subtract 10 points from the total for each
statement below in which the diet concedes. An ideal diet
should maintain a score of 200, but a score of 160 or
greater is acceptable.
1. The diet does not include the food groups in adequate
amounts. Some fad diets eliminate one or more of the food
groups. Do not deduct 10 points if a food group's nutrients
(e.g., carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals) are
adequately substituted with that of another food group.
2. The diet does not provide at least 45% of its calories from
carbohydrate sources. In order to prevent ketosis, at least
150g of glucose/day is required. That's 33-50% of total
calorie intake on a 1200-calorie diet. Keep in mind that is
the minimum. For highly active individuals, that amount
should increase to 60% at times, i.e., immediately after
3. The carbohydrate content exceeds 20% concentrated
sugars. At least 80% of carbohydrate sources should be
complex, and preferably in the form of vegetables, seeds,
and legumes.
4. The protein content exceeds 30%. A very high protein
intake is unnecessary, it places additional strain on the
urinary system, and it is a poor source of energy. Thirty
percent is more than adequate, even for growing children
and teenagers. The only group that requires higher protein
intake are those who recently suffered a severe injury (e.g.,
leg amputation), infection, or surgery. However, these
individuals will be under the care of a physician with a
special high protein diet.
5. Protein content accounts for 15% or less of total calories.
Although unnecessary in large amounts, protein still has
many vital functions, including tissue repair and the
formation of enzymes.
6. Fats exceed 30% of total intake. Besides increasing the
risk of cardiovascular disease, high fat diets have not been
demonstrated to decrease weight better than other methods
of 'proper' eating.
7. Total fat consumption is less than 15% of total calories.
Fat in moderate amounts is essential for a healthy diet, and
such a diet provides taste to many foods. Fat intake below
15% for long periods, for most individuals, is unrealistic.
Fat intake that is too low can also be detrimental to children
and teenagers who require ample kcalories for continued
8. Total fat consumption is less than 25% essential fatty
acids, and saturated fat is more than 30% of total fat
consumption. Deduct 10 for each.
9. The diet does not suggest common foods, meaning
foods you should be able to obtain at any grocery store or
10. The foods for the diet are expensive or monotonous.
Some diets require the purchase of 'their' foods or
expensive 'organic' foods only obtained through health food
stores. Some foods taste so bad they are difficult to
tolerate repeatedly (e.g., seaweed). Deduct 10 for each.
11. The diet consists of an inflexible meal plan. The diet
does not allow for substitutions or deviations, requiring a
person to live under 'house arrest' with the same food
selections every day.
12. The diet provides less than 1200 kcalories per day.
Less than that and the body's basic functions may not be
getting the energy, vitamins and minerals needed to work
properly, and the dieter almost is certain to feel hungry all
the time. Diets below 1200 kcalories should be reserved for
those under the supervision of a dietitian or licensed
13. The diet requires the use of supplements. If the diet
provides adequate energy and it is well balanced,
supplements are unnecessary. 'Fat accelerators,' such as
ephedrine, may increase the rate of weight loss, but the diet
should be able to stand on its own merit. Some diet clinics
promote a vast array of herbal preparations and fat
accelerators, and this is where these clinics make their
money - not in their knowledge and ability as nutritionists.
14. The diet does not recommend a realistic weight goal.
Diets should not be promoting the body of a Greek god or a
supermodel. They should not be suggesting that a person
lose 100 pounds (even if 100 pounds overweight). Nor
should diets recommend weight loss below an ideal
15. The diet recommends or promotes more than 1-2
lbs/week weight loss. Do not expect to lose more than 1-2
pounds of fat a week - it is physically impossible unless
chronically obese, at which point 3 pounds may be
possible. If more than two pounds is lost per week, the
body change is due to a loss of water and/or muscle tissue.
Gimmicks that promise 10 pounds in 2 weeks are either
simply not true or else something other than fat is being
lost. Also keep in mind that the more fat a person wishes to
lose, and the less a person has, the more difficult and
slower it will be to lose additional fat.
16. The diet does not include an evaluation of food habits.
Dieting should be a slow process by which a person
changes normal eating habits. It should not include looking
for quick fixes and quick plans promising short cuts and
extreme changes - a person would never stay with these
programs and such diets do not work long-term. The
number of kcalories eaten, and the food selections and their
amounts, should be reevaluated on a regular basis...
perhaps once every 1-2 months to determine the program's
17. Regular exercise is not recommended as part of the
plan for proper weight loss. Weight loss occurs twice as
fast with exercise, and without exercise there is a greater
tendency to lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat. This is
not ideal.
Low Carbohydrate Diets: Ketosis occurs, and this presents
the same problems as fasting. Once glycogen stores are
spent (which happens quickly with athletes and those who
exercise regularly), glucose must be made from protein
sources, and there is greater wear on the kidneys as a
result. Even on a high protein diet, some protein will be
taken from body tissues in order to produce enough energy
for the nervous system and regular activity. The onset of
ketosis is an indication that this process has begun and it is
not a positive aspect, regardless of what pro-high-fat
authorities indicate.
Great weight loss on a low-carb diet is evident because of
the fact that carbs hold water in the muscles at a ratio of 1:3.
As carb intake decreases then so, too, does water retention.
Much water flushes as a result of lack of glycogen to hold
water molecules. Moreover, by increasing protein intake,
excess nitrogen flushes with even more water since the
kidneys use water to dilute the concentration of nitrogen.
Once leaving a low-carb diet and the muscles refill with
glycogen, fluid concentrations increase and the dieter
regains some of the weight.
Low calorie diets of 400-600 kcalories that consist primarily
of protein have the same problems as fasting and
low-carbohydrate diets: proteins are used for energy and
weight loss comes largely from water. Low-cal diets must
be supervised properly by a medical professional and only
as a last resort for those who cannot seem to lose weight by
other methods. However, even those individuals tend to
regain most of their weight back once they return to a
balanced diet.
Beverly Hills Diet - a diet consisting of grapefruit, eggs, rice,
and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.
Cambridge Diet - a very low kcalorie (300-600 kcal/day);
protein/carb mixture with mineral imbalances; the dieter is
close to fasting.
Complete Scarsdale Diet - this diet is unbalanced
nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter
alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the diet
consists of low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and
protein; the diet has a high meat (saturated fat and
cholesterol) content.
Dr. Atkin's Diet Revolution - this diet is unbalanced
nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter
alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; carbs are
very low (20-50 g/day), whereas fat and protein are high;
there is high meat (saturated fat and cholesterol)
Dr. Linn's Last Chance Diet - this diet has a very low
kcalorie intake (300-600 kcal/day); it consists of a
protein/carb mixture with a mineral imbalance; the dieter is
close to fasting.
Dr. Reuben's The Save Your Life Diet - this is a calorically
dilute diet consisting of high fiber (30-35g/day); the diet is
low in fat and animal products; there is poor absorption of
minerals because of too much high fiber.
F-Plan Diet - this diet consists of grapefruits, eggs,
rice, and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.
F-Plan Diet - this is a calorically dilute diet consisting of
high fiber (30-35g/day); it is low in fat and animal products;
there is poor absorption of minerals because of too much
Nutrimed Diet/Medifast Diet  - this diet promotes weight loss of 1-1_
lbs/day; there are various plans of 800, 1000, and 1200
kcal/day composed of 25% protein, 30% fat (mostly
polyunsaturates), and 45% carbohydrate; the diets includes
the four food groups.
Medifast Diet - this diet is balanced nutritionally, but
provides only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes
this diet monotonous and expensive.
Nutrimed Diet/Medifast Diet - this is a nutritionally balanced
diet, but it supplies only 900 kcal/day; the use of liquid
formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.
Optifast Diet - this diet is nutritionally balanced, but
supplies only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes
this diet monotonous and expensive.
Pritikin Permanent Weight-Loss Diet - this is a nutritionally
unbalanced diet; some days are calorically restricted; the
dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the
diet consists of high protein (100 g/day); unless the foods
properly chosen, it may be low in vitamin B12.
Prudent Diet - this is a balanced, low kcalorie (2400
kcal/day) diet for men; it is low in cholesterol and saturated
fats; a maximum of 20-35% calories are derived from fat
with an emphasis on protein, carbohydrates, and salt; there
is ample consumption of fish and shellfish, and saturated
fats are substituted with polyunsaturated fats.
Quick Weight Loss Diet - this diet is unbalanced
nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter
alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat, although
there is low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and protein;
there is high meat consumption (saturated fat and
cholesterol) with this diet.
Slendernow Diet  - this diet begins at 500 kcal/day,
consisting of two meals per day of one fruit, one vegetable,
one slice of bread, and two meat exchanges; the second
week limits carbohydrates, with most food coming from the
meat group and with some eggs and cheese, and a few
vegetables; week three includes fruit; in week four there is
an increase in vegetables; week five the dieter add
fat-containing foods (e.g., nuts, avocados); week six
includes milk; week seven includes pastas and bread,
where the diet is maintained at about 1300 kcal/day; this
diet avoids the issue of saturated fats and cholesterol.
Slendernow Diet - this diet is unbalanced nutritionally;
some days are calorically restricted; the dieter alters
portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the protein is
generally high (100 g/day); unless foods are properly
chosen, there may be a deficiency in vitamin B12.
Wine Diet  - this diet is balanced nutritionally, at
about 1000-1200 kcal; use of high nutrient-dense foods are
consumed; economic and palatable food makes it one of
the most successful diets with no real health risks.
Wine Diet - this diet is about 1200 kcal/day, containing 28
menus together with a glass of dry table wine at dinner;
besides the medicinal components of wine, it is believed
that individuals reduce portion sizes when wine is
consumed with a meal; the diet is low in cholesterol and
saturated fats; there is a focus on fish, poultry, and veal with
moderate amounts of red meat.
Yogurt Diet - this diet consists of two versions, being
900-1000 kcal/day, and 1200-1500 kcal/day; plain low-fat
yogurt is the main dairy dish, consumed at breakfast, lunch,
and as a bedtime snack; the diet is high in protein, and it is
low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined carbohydrates.
Diets that do not provide 100% of the U.S. RDA for 13
vitamins and minerals:
Beverly Hills
Carbohydrate Craver's Basic
Carbohydrate Craver's Dense
California (1200 kcal) California (2000 kcal)
I Love America
I Love New York
Pritikin (700 kcal) Pritikin (1200 kcal)
Richard Simmons

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Sunday 24 March 2013

The Truth About Walking and Weight Loss

For many people, weight loss is a very stressful process and requires much more than just eating less and exercising. Many times frustration can set in when they don't see their weight dropping at a rapid pace. What many do not realize, unfortunately, is that it takes time to shift your metabolism into high gear and really start burning the fat. Of all the metabolism stimulators, exercise is best and for beginning a weight loss program, walking is considered the premier cardio exercise for ramping up your fat burning furnace!
Walking for effective weight loss is a great way to keep moving forward towards proper fitness. It is amazing how much walking or the movements of walking can add to your weight loss and there is the added bonus that it will easily fit right into your schedule.
Walking is flexible and walking for weight loss can be done practically anywhere. One great suggestion is to walk with a friend or walking buddy. This can make your walking much more pleasurable and health professionals have found that walking with a buddy can help you walk longer and stronger which means faster weight loss.
Walking can be done in any type of weather, so, don't let rainy or cold days steal your cardio walk from you and make you put off shedding that extra pound or two. Head down to the local mall and walk inside while doing fast paced window shopping or even just stay home and walk in place while watching your favorite television show. Use your imagination and I am sure you can work that short ten or twenty minute walk into your day.
Let's face it; walking to lose weight is an ideal way to quick start your metabolism and start burning those calories. You will see that belly fat peel off simply because physical exercise is the greatest manner to shed weight and what could be better than walking your way to weight loss while getting fit at the same time. Walking can also lift your mood and make your day much more joyful. This relieves stress, which causes your body to produce less cortisol, the enzyme that creates belly fat.
There is a plethora of products out there that offer a lot of false hope when it comes to quickly losing weight but you really don't need pills or gadgets to drop the pounds and flatten your abs, just start walking!

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Thursday 21 March 2013

Diet Tips and Tricks - How To Make Sure This Diet Is Your Last

If you know you need to lose weight then chances are that you want to choose a diet that will get the weight loss results that you are after.
It may have started with a few extra pounds creeping up throughout the last year or perhaps you're trying to lose weight after giving birth. Either way the art of sticking to your diet actually starts before you even choose your diet at all. There are so many diets that you can try and if you pick the wrong one all your hard work will go to waste.
For a weight loss diet to work for you for the long term it has to fit your personality and your lifestyle. The better it fits you the higher chances you have of losing the weight and keeping it off.
So let's get you on the right track from the very beginning. Here are some important questions that you need to HONESTLY answer before you start your diet.
1. Will there be a lot of food preparation involved?
Let's face it if you're a busy person and your diet involves preparing every meal for 30 minutes to an hour beforehand you're onto a loser from the very start.
2. Do you have to buy anything else for it to work?
Some diets involve buying pre-prepared food, others involve supplements or special vitamins. All of these add up at the end of the day.
3. Does the diet involve foods that you HATE?
If your diet is filled with foods that you just can't stomach then you know deep down that you're not going to stick to it, don't you?
4. Will this diet change work with your daily commitments?
If it's too restricted and is hard to fit into your life then it's not going to work past the first few days, is it?
Your financial commitments are also very important to bear in mind. I've found many times whenever I've started a diet with Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers that the outlay has been incredible. It's actually an investment to eat healthier because you'll find that they cost more than a lot of junk food items.
In today's global crisis, chances are that you're being really careful about where you spend your money.
But the good news is that with careful planning it actually is possible to diet the right way without spending a fortune doing it. You have two options as far as your finances go -- you can join a weight loss program that costs a fee (usually a weekly or monthly one) or you can go it alone and get some added help inexpensively along the way.
Weight loss is possible for all of us, with a bit of determination and persistence on your part you can have the body and health that you really want -- just be prepared for the fact that it won't happen overnight.
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Friday 15 March 2013

Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast (Part 3)

Here is the third and final installment in this 3-Part article, giving you all of the nutritional advice you need to achieve extreme weight loss and take control of your life. Our bodies are a reflection of our habits and values. Let your body demonstrate to others that you are a person who has mastered their own health.
1. Nutrition Ratios - Whenever possible, try to increase the amount of protein that you are consuming with each meal during the day. The higher the ratio of protein compared with fats and carbohydrates, the better the metabolism boost and the lower the insulin spike.
2. Eat Often - As I have discussed in Parts 1 and 2, every time that we eat a small, protein-packed meal, we stimulate our metabolism. Therefore, we need to use this to our advantage as much as possible. Try to eat every 2 to 2.5 hours and never let it go longer than 3 hours. This will keep that metabolism of yours in overdrive and ultimately lead to extreme weight loss.
3. Only Protein Before Bed - Always remember to avoid carbohydrates at least 3 hours before going to sleep. Apart from the obvious insulin boost and weight gain that follows, having low blood sugar levels before sleep will result in more growth hormone being produced by the body. This means that you will burn more fat while you sleep. So stick to protein shakes or seafood just before hitting the sack.
4. Muscle Is King - Although it is important to cut your calories to a certain degree in order to lose weight, never cut them down to a point where you are jeopardizing your muscle mass. If you are not eating enough (primarily protein), your body will rob your own muscles for amino acids and other nutrients. This is the worst position to be in, as when your muscle mass reduces, your metabolism will come to a screeching halt.
5. Cautiously Dine Out - It is easy to get carried away when eating out at a restaurant with friends and family. I am by no means telling you that you shouldn't have fun, but be careful. Keep your weight loss goals in mind and remember to make smart food and drink choices. For example, if the restaurant doesn't offer meals that include complex carbohydrates, you may want to consider eating a salad to play it safe. Also, keep in mind that alcohol is packed with sugar and calories. Drinking your alcohol straight up is a good way to offset additional weight gain.
6. Drink Green Tea - I have covered the benefits of green tea in detail in a different article, but all you need to know is that you need to be drinking it. Not only is it full of cancer-fighting antioxidants, but it also has a remarkable effect on weight loss. Green tea is the perfect drink to have before performing your morning cardio, as it contains basically no calories, but will provide long-lasting energy.
7. Take a Break - By cutting down the amount of food that you are eating combined with physical exercise; you are placing a lot of additional stress on your body. If you feel that you
are doing everything right, but your results are starting to slow up, you may want to consider taking a break. This break doesn't have to be too long and it shouldn't be: 2 days is enough. For 2 days eat a reasonable diet and avoid exercise, then jump back into your weight loss diet.
Now with the third installment of this 3-Part article series, you will be absolutely armed to the teeth with information on how to lose weight fast. Follow all of this advice and extreme weight loss is just around the corner for you. Everything really comes down to increasing your metabolism, so keep this in mind and do everything that you can to keep it firing.

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Thursday 14 March 2013

Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast (Part 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of this 3-Part article. I would like to present to you a further 7 nutrition tips that will help you achieve extreme weight loss and ultimately the body of your dreams. If you combine these 7 tips with those discussed previously, you can expect the fruits of your labour to be much sweeter.
1. Turn Up The Temperature - Consuming food and drinks that have a thermogenic effect on the body has been shown to have a positive effect on weight loss. This is because your body can utilize fat stores more effectively as energy with the aid of thermogenic substances. So try adding Chili and cayenne pepper to some of your meals and enjoy the benefits.
2. Increase Fibre - Our bodies absolutely love fibre because fibre enables our bodies to make use of carbohydrates more efficiently. This results in fewer spikes of insulin hormone and ultimately less body fat at the end of the week.
3. Don't Be Afraid Of Change - It is important to change our diets every now and again. Our bodies have the ability to adapt to the changes we make with our diets and training very quickly, so we therefore have to "trick" our own bodies into losing new fat stores. An example of a change that you could make would be from rolled oats to couscous, or from bike riding to running.
4. Blood Sugar Levels - Aim to keep your blood sugar levels to a minimum before training. This is because the more glucose you have in your blood, the harder it will be for you to burn fat cells. Therefore limit your pre-workout carbohydrate intake to 20 grams and stick to low GI sources, such as rye bread and most fruits.
5. L-Glutamine - Not only does this supplement help to build muscle, it also helps to indirectly burn away fat. This is because L-Glutamine prevents essential amino acids from being used as energy, therefore increasing the chance that your body will use fats for energy.
6. Lean Fish- There is literally an unlimited amount of variety when it comes to eating fish. Fish is packed with protein and many variants of fish have basically no fat content. Therefore forcing your body to use itself as a source of fat for energy.
7. Other Fish - Even fish that is high in fat is still going to be of some benefit and help you achieve extreme weight loss. For example, salmon is very high in essential omega 3 fatty acids and is a much leaner alternative when compared with steak.
I hope that you learned even more from this article here in Part 2. Now you have even more ammunition and even less excuses to go out there and achieve that extreme weight loss that you have been dreaming about for so long. Until next time, keep training and be on the lookout for Part 3 of this article.

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Wednesday 13 March 2013

Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast (Part 1)

Whether you are a bodybuilder trying to shed fat for a competition, or somebody who drastically needs to drop weight in order to improve the quality of their life, this article is for you. If extreme weight loss is what you are after, then these 7 nutrition tips will help get you there in one piece. Apply this advice with consistency and you will never look back.
1. Calories - No matter what you do, calories are always going to count at the end of the day. You have to burn more than you take in or you will not drop any weight at all.
2. Deficits - Calorie deficits refer to how many calories you burned at the end of the day. Look at this from a weekly perspective. At the end of the week if you have burned 7,000 calories for example, you would see around a 1-kilogram reduction in bodyweight.
3. Don't Starve - If you think that you will drop weight by starving yourself, you are unfortunately incorrect. If you try to diet this way, your body will think that it is not being fed properly (which it isn't) and will store whatever you eat next as body fat.
4. Increase Protein - You will want to increase your protein intake if you are serious about extreme weight loss. Your body uses protein to repair and fuel your muscles before and after exercising. Generally, the higher protein diet you have, the leaner you will appear.
5. Protein and Weight Loss - The reason why protein is so beneficial to people trying to lose weight is because the body finds it hard to break down proteins, as compared to carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, your body will use more energy as a result of this and burn more fat.
6. The Effect of Glycogen - Without boring you with all of the details, glycogen plays a key role in weight loss. You should aim to empty your glycogen stores once every 2 weeks in order to maximize your progress. This is simple to perform: Every 2 weeks, eat no more than 90 grams of carbohydrates for 2 days.
7. Remember Healthy Fats - The human body finds it very hard to use its own body fat stores as energy if you aren't eating enough healthy fats everyday. Start cooking using coconut oil and eat fish at least 3 times per week to help ensure that this doesn't occur.
Nutrition is everything when it comes to weight loss and even general wellbeing. Now that you have these 7 tips under your belt, you have a better understanding of how bodybuilders and fitness models are able to achieve such extreme weight loss in such a short period of time.

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Monday 11 March 2013

A diet high in fibre

What is dietary fibre?
Fibre (or fiber if you're from the USA :) ) is the part of fruit and vegetables that we can't digest. It passes right through our bodies and with that in mind it seems odd that it gives us enormous benefits - in spite of never being absorbed. Sometimes it's called roughage or bulk. Whatever you call it, it's an essential part of your diet.

There are different types of fibre but the main division is between soluble and non-soluble fibre. Soluble fibre, as the name suggests, will dissolve in water and results in a thick gel while non-soluble fibre increases the bulk of what you eat and helps the movement of food through your digestive system.

Some sources of soluble fibre are oats, apples, peas and beans, berries. Sources of non-soluble fibre can be nuts, bran, seeds.Why should we eat more fibre?

Benefits of a high fibre diet
The first and most obvious reason is that fibre keeps the digestive system healthy and moving. I had a bad attack of diverticulitis about two years ago and from that point made sure I followed a diet with higher fibre than I had before. I'm very happy to say that I have had no further trouble at all. It really has worked wonders for me.

Less immediately obvious benefits but nevertheless well known, are that fibre helps protect against heart disease; lowers your risk of colon cancer; reduces cholesterol; helps people control blood sugar.

Finally, and something I'm delighted to find, it fills you up and so you
eat less, and it also makes you feel fuller for a longer time      
The first and most obvious reason is that fibre keeps the digestive system healthy and moving. I had a bad attack of diverticulitis about two years ago and from that point made sure I followed a
diet with higher fibre than I had before. I'm very happy to say that I have had no further trouble at all. It really has worked wonders for me.

How much fibre should we eat?
The most common advice is to eat around 30 grams of fibre a day. But what is 30 grams of fibre? Really, I don't think it's practical to expect anyone to remember what the fibre content of food might be, or to carry around a chart and/or a set of scales.

My own method is just to remember which foods are high in fibre (officially 6g fibre or more in 100g) and which are good sources of fibre (3g or more of fibre in 100g). I fill up on a high fibre breakfast which I put together myself and top up with one or two other sources of fibre for midday and evening meals. It fulfils two targets - high fibre and five-a-day.


What are some high fibre foods?

 Good sources of fibre include wholemeal or granary bread; wholegrain cereals; wholewheat pasta; brown rice; fruits such as raspberries, pears, blueberries, grapefruit; vegetables such as peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

If you often eat white bread, pasta, and rice, just by changing to the wholemeal or brown versions you can easily double or more your fibre intake.

Don't peel potatoes, eat them with their skins. The same goes for fruit where possible, washed of course.

Plums eaten raw will provide about 2g of fibre per cup but when stewed this can rise to 8g. If you eat dried plums as known as prunes, the figure rises even more to 12g.

Just remembering a few of these facts will help enormously. As time goes on, you will learn more and be able to provide yourself with a good diet without even thinking about it.


Breakfast is important         
I find that if I concentrate on having a high fibre breakfast, all I need to do for the remainder of the day is to make sure I get the recommended five-a-day of fruit and vegetables, and that provides me with as much fibre as I need.
For my breakfast I have a tablespoonful of oat bran, three or four prunes or dried apricots, a tablespoonful of raisins, sultanas or cranberries (a recent favourite), a spoonful of chopped nuts, a handful of blueberries or raspberries or diced fruit, all mixed with a fat free yoghurt. I love it! Sometimes I'll add a mix of wheat bran and porridge oats, or a spoonful of ready made muesli. It's so easy to mix and match and ring the changes that it's never boring.
My conclusions

Ultimately, a high fibre diet will leave you feeling more energetic, less hungry and so help you lose weight if that's what you want. It will improve your digestive system, lower cholesterol, help protect your heart and guard against colon cancer. At least give it a try. I bet if you do, you won't want to return to bland and processed food again.
Less immediately obvious benefits but nevertheless well known, are that fibre helps protect against heart disease; lowers your risk of colon cancer; reduces cholesterol; helps people control blood sugar.

Finally, and something I'm delighted to find, it fills you up and so you
eat less, and it also makes you feel fuller for a longer time

Thursday 7 March 2013

Does Sleep Impact Weight Loss?

There's lots of sciency reasons why sleep (or lack of it) can impact your weight, and I'll come onto those in a bit.
But first of all, here's my personal opinion on the issue of sleep...
Lack of sleep doesn't just leave you tired and irritable, If you are trying to lose a bit of weight, then getting good quality sleep is absolutely essential.
I need my sleep, and I get very grouchy if I don't get my 8 hours. And the next day I am bloody starving! It always seems like I'm hungry ALL day, and not for salad. I want carbs. Lots and lots of carbs.
The only way to stop the craving for food for me is to get an early night, which luckily I want anyway if I'm still feeling tired from the night before.
Basically, when you are asleep and dreaming of chocolate cake, your body is busy repairing itself. Lack of sleep can affect certain hormone production, in particular ghrelin which stimulates your appetite, and leptin which tells you when you are full. Get these hormones out of balance and you can see where things start to go wrong!
Now, there are lots more sciency reasons why you should make sure you are getting enough good quality sleep, but since I'm not a scientist I won't go into too much detail just now - that's what Google is for.
What I will share with you is 5 tips to getting a good nights sleep!
1. Turn off the tech.
Stop checking your Facebook, email, or other websites immediately before going to bed! I can pretty much guarantee you won't miss anything by staying away from tech for an hour before bed, and it might help you get a better night's sleep. And that includes turning off the TV!
Try reading a book instead, preferably fiction, to quiet your mind and start you on a journey to dreamland.
2. Eat earlier.
A heavy meal right before bed can leave you feeling uncomfortable and cause difficulties in dropping off. Try to bring your meal time forward, and stick to meat or fish with lots of veggies. If you need carbs, try adding sweet potato instead of pasta or bread. While carbs may make you sleepy they are harder for your body to digest, taking up resources that could be better used on repairing your body while you sleep.
3. Stay off the booze.
While you might think a drink in the evening helps you to fall asleep, you don't sleep as well. Think about it. How did you feel the last time you had a couple of glasses of wine in the evening. Did you drop of to sleep really quickly, only to wake up a few hours later? Or even worse, did you drop into a heavy sleep only for the alarm to sound a few seconds later, leaving you feeling like you had no sleep at all?
While we're at it, stay off the caffeine too in the evening. Try Tulsi tea instead.
4. Open a window.
Being too hot at night can make you restless as you toss and turn and try to find a cool patch on your pillow. While you don't want to go too far the other days and be shivering under your duvet, try turning the heating down and opening a window for some fresh air.
5. Control the lights.
Even the glow from your digital alarm clock can disrupt your sleep patterns. For a good nights sleep try to get rid of as many of those glowy led's as possible. Cover them with a tshirt, turn them off, or remove them altogether. Get black-out curtains of the glow from streetlights is an issue. The darker it is the better, allowing your body to react as it's supposed to and send you off into a deep restorative sleep.
And for waking up in the morning? When I had horribly early mornings for work I used an alarm clock that simulated a sunrise, and right from the first day using it I found I was wide awake and full of energy about 10 minutes before the alarm would go off. Much better than being dragged out of a deep sleep by an alarm clock blasting at you in the dark on a cold winters morning!
Samantha Goodwin is the author of the popular Nutritional Responsibility Guide. This is a nutritional program for the real world where you want to look great but at the same time not feel handcuffed by an overly strict regime that you'll never see the end of. You can read more about the program at

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